Gavin Jones
3 min readOct 9, 2022


In October last year (2020) I did a social media campaign on my Instagram and Facebook page where I talked about success blockers. I decided to share it here just in case those of you who do not use Instagram or Facebook can see what the campaign was all about.

The campaign was titled SUCCESS BLOCKERS

What are success blockers you might ask? Well, in a nutshell success blockers are those limiting beliefs or people in your life that basically stop you from achieving or reaching the level of success you have the ability to reach. In this post I will list some success blockers that truly hinders an individual from reaching their highest level of potential. There will be a follow up blog entry that highlights other success blockers, but for now I’ll only share these with you. I also want to hear from you, and to hear about what are some success blockers in your life that you have identified. Share them with me. I’m sure people will benefit from learning about other success blockers they can look out for.

FEAR Fear will cripple your ability to accomplish all that you are, and all that you were made to become. Fear will allow you to bury your purpose, making your think and believe you are not worthy.

What are the personal fears you have that stop you from succeeding?

Write them down.

Inner Conflicts

Inner conflicts are some of those beliefs we use to belittle ourselves. Sometimes they are the words and actions people have used to hurt us.

What are the inner conflicts that are stopping you from achieving, and living your best life? What are those conflicting beliefs you hold onto?

Limiting Beliefs

Just like myself, I can bet you have some limiting beliefs that cripples your ability to be progressive. Some of the most common beliefs we hold on to are: self-doubt, telling yourself you’re lazy, thinking you’re not good enough, being ashamed of who you are, and not trusting yourself. There’s lots more and you know them. Write them down and then say to yourself “I will no longer allow these limiting beliefs to stop me from being my true authentic self.”

What are the limiting beliefs you hold on to?



Gavin Jones

Canadian based author and poet. I like to write short bio-fictional stories that challenges conventional views.