Stick it & Believe It

Gavin Jones
3 min readJan 29, 2023


What have you done with your life since the beginning of the year? If you’ve already accomplished much, let me commend you. If you haven’t, well, it’s not too late; we still have 11 months to go. I know our first instinct is to blame something or someone for not achieving some of our goals. Let me just remind you: you cannot blame friends, family, or COVID19 for not going after what you wanted to accomplish.

Your life is your life, but what have you done with it so far? Are you still living in the shadows of the people who tell you what you’re supposed to do? What changes have you made to better yourself since the start of 2023?

Have you worked on your vision board?

Have you created a to-do list?

If you were to meet your young self today and stand face-to-face in front of your 10-year-old self, what would you say? What words of encouragement would you give him or her? How would you react to that child?

Isn’t this one of the biggest questions we ask ourselves on a daily basis? Isn’t it the one question that frequently prevents us from pursuing our goals? What if things do not end up the way they’re supposed to? What will you do?

We all have days, weeks, months, and years when we feel as though we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whatever life throws at you, remember that you can always create your own personal abundance from an infinite source.

Another what if? What if all the energy and work you put in does not pay off? Well, get up, brush yourself off, and try again. You have greatness within you. You have something the world is waiting for you to deliver.

This is undeniably the toughest question we ask ourselves when doubt steps in. WHAT IF? The goal is not to worry about the what-ifs. The goal is to keep pushing. Do not allow negative thoughts to cloud your mind. Push through the tough times and the negativity.



Gavin Jones

Canadian based author and poet. I like to write short bio-fictional stories that challenges conventional views.